Yuru Camp – A Simple Look at Life.

Life is hard. Life has a structure, wake up, eat breakfast, go to work or school, eat dinner and sleep, rinse and repeat. It is repetitive, endless and hard. In this hustle and bustle of life, we forget most simple things, things that shape us, things that we want, the thing’s that we desire and work toward, that thing is beauty and change. A warm summer breeze touching the skin gently as a mother, A cold winter wind refreshing our senses and sending a shiver down the spine, a cool shower of rain on the face refreshing us and nature with rejuvenating power after hot and long summer(For Indians), the half moon hidden behind the clouds like a shy child, setting sun painting the sky with his setting glory creating the most beautiful painting or simply a look at the vast endless blue sky to remind us how tiny we and our problems are.

Daily life can become stale and boring when did we last looked up to the sky to marvel at its vastness when did we last marvelled at the colours of the dying sun, when did we last felt the cool light of moon calming our skin, probably a long time ago and most probably we don’t even remember. Yuru Camp is anime about camping. It revolves around the basic of the basic desires of a human being. The desire to seek change, a desire for seeking inspiration and meaning in the life. This desire drives us to grow but we lose our roots, what better ‘change’ than to see sun paint the sky each day with the different colours and clouds taking different shapes and position to make the characters and objects on the largest painting ever painted on the largest canvas. What better inspiration than nature which constantly changes and shapes our surroundings. Of course Yuru camp is not that complicated but it is based on that desire and I will leave you with a recommendation to try it out.

Understanding India’s Cast System.

There is a lot of stigmas associated with India and Hinduism due to cast system and Even in India majority of people do not understand cast system accurately. Today we will try to understand cast systems origin, progression and the current state of the caste system in India and it will be fun.

“Caste” is not an Indian word, It came from the Portuguese word “casta” meaning “race, lineage, breed”. The Caste which we talk right now was known as “Varna” meaning color, It does not mean black or white, however, It is mostly a framework of dividing people into classes by their work. For example,  Kshatriyas was warrior, noble and ruling class.  Brahmins were priests, scientists, philosopher, writers, teachers, doctors, they were basically intellectual of that period.  Vaishyas were artisans, merchants, tradesmen, and farmers basically the whole economy was own and run by them. Shudras who were the labor class which was the backbone of the economy, they are basically salaryman in that era. In an early Upanishad, Shudra is referred to as Pūşan or nourisher. And at last untouchables, while their role in Vedic society was none because they would not fit any of these classes by profession and were mostly were tribesmen living outside cities and villages, They were basically what Greece called barbarian. One thing to remember that at this time people were not born into caste but it was flexible and anyone with enough determination can climb the steps of the socio-economical ladder be what they want. It is normal for society to dived itself in classes based on what work people do and even unknowing today we do that like we divide society by farmers, builders, engineers, politicians, businessmen, politicians etc. Yet our today’s class system allows us to fully transition between them upon our choice and hard work and It was no different that time. Just like our profession is part of our identity just like that Varna was the part of identity back then.

Now we move on to late Mahajanapadas Period as this is where I think Varna started to change into Jati literally meaning birth. At this time caste system was still flexible but started down into the hereditary path. Just like you may know someone whose parents, grandparents, great-grandparents were politicians, doctors, lawyers, businessmen just that thing was starting to occur in ancient society as people moved away from the small village where most of the people worked in farms to massive cities where most of the work was administration, religion, trading which required more advanced set of skills than brute strength that was required from farmer. And who is better to teach these skills than the dad who already doing that job. That is why I think it should have become virtually impossible to change your profession due to lack of willing teachers who thought it., hence Varna which was free and flexible became unknowing Jati which was based on birth. Today we fight this problem by using institutions but at that time only institutions were people who were actually doing their jobs like Carpenter, potters, administrators, teachers, and apprenticeship was the only option that existed if someone wanted to be any of skilled laborer. You can learn in Gurukul about mathematics, physics, philosophy, economics, politics, military strategy but those were already booked by economically wealthy class. I cannot deny that there still was some flexibility left in cast system but it had started its transition into a rigid based on birth system and hence got its name jati and it was rigid, around the time Gupta Empire rolled around system was basically rigid and embedded into society and peoples mind, but there was no conflict in Jatis like it exists today.

Around the Muslim invasions, tensions were rising between upper classes and lower classes due to mass conversions of lower class into Islam but there is much other evidence to suggest that lower caste Hindus never converted to Islam in mass. However, there is no doubt that invaders caused much damage to the relations between castes due to their divide and conquer policy. This was also a time when Hindu kings like Chhatrapati Shivaji, Krishnadevaraya and many other rulers and they did try to reform cast system and they founded the dream of Unified India against Muslim Invaders, hence being the founders of Indian nationalism(though we can argue that it was in times of Maurya Empire). Shri Shivaji, in particular, founded the thought of Swarajya meaning self-rule and we can definitely be sure that Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was the founder of the modern independence movement and he knew the importance of unifying Hindus and destroying the caste system which he did try throughout his rule. This era was the most important in the history of Hinduism and caste system. Now let’s explore this renaissance of India. This period of Indian history saw Sant(Saint) Movement. This movement was huge and had a long lasting impact on Hinduism. They unified Hinduism by simplifying the complex traditions of it for normal people and lower class people. Without this movement, India might be today an Islamic state. You can research this movement yourself because if I had to, I would need to explain the whole philosophy behind Hinduism and that would take the whole Book which I would gladly write but not right now. Just remember that this bought Hindus together as a religious group and allowed lower castes to worship God.

Now came the British and British did what they did best which was divide and conquer. Up to this point, there was discrimination against lower castes and yet castes were still was not welded into a law but it was about to get worse, very very worse. British with their race science divided India and legally bounded the Caste with birth. It allowed for the upper class to climb even more up and lower class to spiral down the gutter. This allowed upper class to exclusively get government jobs and increased the discrimination against the lower classes because we all know how a person acts when he is all special. There were many things British did to rule which would put Indian societies at each other’s throat. However these upper classes formed a new class, a middle class and they did go to other nations to learn about ideas and values nationalism, liberty and rediscovering India’s identity. These were people of the upper class would go on to spread the idea of independent India and free society to Indian people. This brought India and lower castes their freedom. However game of caste system was not over yet because rather than completely destroying this system from its root they instead kept it on a factual level to gain from the conflict between them for politics, using these people who were oppressed for years as vote banks. To this day your Caste is printed upon your birth certificate and it is used for the reservation.

In modern India, at least where I live Caste is no big deal if you are not trying to complete education or trying to get any government job. We, young people, don’t ask for each other castes, yet it still persists and that is due to many things which I will explain in next post and we will try to uncover how to end it.

You might be surprised that 90% of Indians may not know the stuff that I said in this post due to heavy propaganda by political parties to make castes sound like more than a gradual and natural change in society met with unfortunate circumstances, simply because they do not want to lose their vote banks. They don’t know about it even if it is as simple as going Wikipedia which I used with my general knowledge of India and its history. There are many aspects I left out because it would have been very long post and the purpose of this post is just to open the eyes of people who are still living in belief that caste system was created by people of upper castes rather that human nature and people who are ignorant towards Hinduism saying that it is all about caste system and how inseparable both are. Another purpose was to encourage everyone to research before making an opinion and be ready to change that opinion if better profs present itself.

Either way, I hope you enjoyed it and like this post and follow me if you did, let me know your thoughts and if you found any flaws in this post let me know in comments below. Thanks for reading.

The Flow.

“Life could be an easy thing,” I thought. After all, it is easy as following some simple rules and routes. You get up early, study, go to school, after getting good grades go to college and get a degree, get a job, get married, have few kids, raise them and hope they take care of you when you retire and at last wait for few years for your long lost brother death to come and take you away. Life is as simple as it goes and same rules apply everywhere you go. I see this life all around me, my father has done it, my mother has done it, my every family member has done it and nearly all people I have come to know have done it and those who refused to follow this, have come to it in time. There is no reason for me to deny how easy life is to live and yet.

Yet I struggle to get up early, go to school, getting good grades, going to college and I refuse to get a degree. Something inside me screams, begs, cries while following this path. My innards cramps, my heart burst out with just the thought of doing these things, I say yes but my body responds with overwhelming no, sometimes I wonder death might be kind than life, huh and I thought Life could be an easy thing. It is not easy is it when every cell in my body refuses to obey my order. Even seeing others do that makes me weak and frail. When I say, “get up it is for your own good” A voice for inside cries NO! NO! NO! like a child refusing to do its daily chores. I try to reason with the voice that it is very easy and proven way to live the life and yet my body fails to respond me. The fault may be in me, I never have seen people who struggled this way, maybe I am just an odd seed that sprouted a different tree than the rest, or I am just a madman who doesn’t have complete control over his own body. Then again “Life could be easy, right?”.

Seeing sun rising in the east and setting in the west thousand times just makes me more nervous. It is not that I personally go and watch the sun rise and set but I do watch clocks hand rise and set and feeling is similar. The passage of time is a curse, the capability of feeling the time pass by is the curse of the highest order. Every second a voice inside me asks “What have you done?”, and I answer back “I have done nothing.” and I hate it. It is not that I do nothing, I certainly think of doing something but when I try, my body just freezes, my blood thickens, my senses become dull and pain sweeps through my body, every inch screams NO! and with this pain, time slows as if, time is mocking me for trying. Seeing the clock spinning sends nothing but a chill through my spine and Seeing clock while doing something makes me wonder when will I finish, time slows down in pain and fastens to give me pain when I am doing nothing. I probably fear my long lost brother death as time is the rope that binds me to him, I fear that he will ask me “What have you done?” but I fear more that then I will answer “I have done nothing”. I don’t fear brother but his question and I fear more for what will my answer be then. Sometimes in that trying life seems to feel like a burden and a thought just comes to mind of hugging the brother and saying proudly “I have done nothing”. But I am a greedy man, I rarely let anything go. And giving away the only thing that may give a chance to do something seems a preposterous option, no matter how heavy to bare it is.

But then again “To do something” are very vague words. In its sense I do something every day, I do sleep, eat, sit in front of a computer for hours and all that is doing something. Yet it does not have that feeling when I say “I want to do something”. I do know that I want to do something, yet I do not know what I want to do. And so I try as I have seen all other people around me try and to me, it does seem simple enough and yet again I fail to do it because of me. On one hand voice inside me screams “Do something!” and on other hands, the same voice inside me screams “No NO”. It seems that voice has some dual personality disorder and yet I agree with every word it says. And I keep asking my self “What to do, What to do” hoping that the answer will come before my brother asks “What have you done?”

A short writing on Fantasy.

For a long time, we have tried to live in reality different than ours throngs literature, through paintings, and through poems. We always strived for something different and something new, which doesn’t follow rules of our world and fantasy genre is the pinnacle of that. We are indeed an imaginative spices. Fantasy is a weird mix of reality, perception, creativity, and Imagination. The sense of reality allows us to create grounded and believable stories, perception gives us the power to see the world in a unique way, creativity makes that view on the world more beautiful just like jewelry and at last Imagination give us the wings necessary to explore different reality, all of these aspects of human existence allows Fantasy to exist.

Fantasy has always been part of human life, we as children had many fantasies of our own, be it be like living in the world of chocolate or world where you rule everything or to marry perfect price or princess. Fantasy is a genre that exists in our blood and heart, it is constantly in our mind allowing us to forget reality and indulges ourselves in greater and better reality but Fantasy is not a tool for escapism either, it is an aspect of our life that keeps us all alive, it allows us to seek something different and new, it gives us hope for future, it inspires us and makes us better than who we are. If someone asked me about the proof of free will I will always point toward fantasy, as fantasy is the only thing that makes us humans and not animals. The power to interpret and create a different reality that our own is the greatest testament to free will.

Things I learned in one year of Blogging.

Today I completed a year doing blogging, I wrote 36 posts with 151 followers, well that is quite an accomplishment for me because I am a very reclusive person in real life, with an inferiority complex. I love learning new things, I love thinking things differently and love explaining things I found to my mother. I had and have fear of making money. I fear I couldn’t make money because I am so useless, all I have is good thinking power, a neutral view on things with love of learning. How can a person like me who can’t even speak to a person without sweating make money. This fear, ability to explain and ability to think made this blog. Yes, I made the blog to escape my uselessness. So here are things I learned in a Year of Blogging.

1. Quantity is superior to quality.

Quantity will always win in terms of popularity, If you post 3 to 4 times a day then you will easily surpass the guy who posts once or twice a month no matter how good is his content and no matter how average is your content you will always win in terms of poplularity, just ask Pewdiepie.

2. Love what you do.

Love is more powerful than routine because It makes you think. If you love something then you are thinking about it whole day rather than thinking about it when your routine demands it, this makes your writing different and unique than other people.

3. Following everyone makes everyone follow you.

If you follow 100 people no matter how their content is then you will get 80 followers back, that is just an unwritten rule or maybe that is just me. There is unexplainable obligation to follow a person who has follow you. I don’t actively find people to follow, If I find them good they earned my follow.

4. People are good.

Blogging community here is very good and considarate, They will respect your opinion, engage in discussion and help you with all sorts of problems, Anime community is especially good. I thank all of Anibloggers who have taken care of me for past year and please forgive me for not being an active member of this community.

I thank all of my followers and members of the blogging community, Thanks, guys these are my blunt thoughts, have a happy day.

Kamichu!: A Unique take on Slice on Life

Ah Life, how beautiful it is (or wretched depending on your situation), every slice of life anime tries to replicate this beauty of life and most of the time they fail, to capture the essence of life is not an easy thing and cannot be confined to single tone and nature. While the most slice of life anime tries to replicate life in a confined environment with confined story structure Kamichu tries it a bit differently.

Kamichu improvises life rather than replicating it and set its environment, the whole world. While this is nothing new and many prestigious animes like Mushishi and Natsume Yuujinchou do it but Kamichu adds a sweet touch of imagination to it while adding and utilizing moe elements. Kamichu is more free with its premise than any other show I have watched, rather than sticking to one aspect of life Kamichu put its finger in every pot, be it a love story, cute girls doing cute things, a small backyard adventure with the friends, adventure to save world or just rolling around in bed doing nothing and sleeping whole day. Kamichu does everything and it does everything very good which really surprised me because normally an anime which tries everything fails miserably in most of the things.

What makes it strikingly different from another slice of anime is that the world feels bigger, freer and more organic. It is not confined to school, backyard, workplace or home, it transits between places very freely and none of the places feels forced. Kamichu’s color palette is dull and smooth which is very odd for a slice of life animes but it works great in Kamichu, It sucks you in few minutes without any effort, its dullness enhance the animation and immersion, It can be brilliant when it want to. I think this color palette is what makes Kamichu works, it just sucks you in the world itself, you become the living part of the world.

Kamichu is however not without any faults. Some episodes are better than others and there is a lack of consistency in quality. As I said Kamichu takes a free view towards slice of life genre which allow it to roam free within the genre, the lack of consistency is mainly caused by wide genre shifts. That said it is not an anime which everyone can enjoy, it is a calming and adorable anime with very good animation and background art but it is not an anime for you if you cannot immerse yourself in it. There will be things that will annoy you because of its vast scale but positive points will eventually outweigh negative. Specials of Kamichu are far more consistent and good than anime so definitely give them a try.

Kamichu is a fresh breath in a slice of life genre, I regard it as one of the most innovative anime to ever grace slice of life genre. It is definitely anime to watch if you are long time slice of life fan.

Thanks, guys, if you liked this post then please like, follow and share and most importantly let me know your thoughts below. See ya.

A Letter To AnimeIndianPhilosopher (2017)

Dear  AnimeIndianPhilosopher,

Happy new year AnimeIndianPhilosopher, I know you since you were born, I have always kept an eye on you. I know all of your feelings, all your frustrations, all your victories and all of your defeats, I properly know more about you that you know about yourself. That is why I am writing this letter with all good wishes for the new year for you to know yourself and to improve yourself.

Today you have reached a milestone in your life, you have reach 100 followers on your blog and I know you are frustrated because It took 5 months while you were thinking you will have a million followers in the first month. Now take a look back at your last post and latest post, see the difference? understand and celebrate what you have learned on the journey rather what you have achieved from it, as you said it yourself “knowledge is power”, always remember to celebrate what you have rather than what you might have and improve in the direction what you want to achieve without stressing yourself out. Remember failing is fine, you can fail and failing is not a crime, just understand why you failed and learn from it, push forward. Keep moving, keep writing, don’t stop at any cost, you can slow down of course but don’t stop.

I can sense that you are too worried to write a post that can be enjoyed by others. Don’t worry, as long as you enjoy writing it people will enjoy it, for others don’t lose your uniqueness, be yourself and gather people who accept you for who you are because when you will reach million follows you will be cursing yourself because you won’t have no place to speak your mind.

Don’t worry about people who didn’t agree with you but also respect their opinion. Don’t worry if you didn’t win an online competition and don’t think you lost because you wrote about bad about Yuri On Ice. I understand that you think that your post was better than most other posts which won but don’t worry, tell you idiotic 19 years old brain that it is ok to lose and not everyone may understand or appreciate what you have written. Understand why your post was not attractive and learn from it. Makes your tummy capable of digesting criticism and failers. Thinking that every person in the world is evil and want to take you down is idiotic thinking, don’t think like that even for fraction of second. Everyone look towards the world through colorful goggles, all you can do is to keep yours as transparent as possible. No one cares about you, only you are responsible for your failing and success. Just get over you crybaby attitude.

Think straight, try to learn everything, do some programming, play some piano, play some badminton, watch some animes, write some blog, be happy and live your life, most importantly check sim card orientation before you break your internet router in rage. Don’t think about unfairness in the world, just don’t be negative, be positive.

By your good wisher.


Understanding Character Development

Character Development is not understood that well in anime community or any community for that matter. Today we will try to explore the depth of character development. Remember to open your mind and think about what I write and also think what you feel right, Everything written here are my own thoughts and humble try to understand this aspect of this artistic value. Let me know your thoughts in comments below. Let us get started.

In my view, there are two types of views to understand character development, one is literal(exclusive) and another is inclusive. let us start with the literal character development.

Literal character development.

As it sounds literal character development, is most easy to understand and easy to see. You can define it as –

“literal character development is the change of understanding of a character by the viewer in a period of time.” – Animeindianphilosopher.

Sounds mathematical enough, but it is very easy to understand. To put this in easy language. literal character development is how you feel towards that character changes over time. let us say that the character is a villain that you hate from bottom of your heart, as the story progress, you understand why the villain is doing those heinous crimes, so your understanding of that villain changes. As your understanding of that character increases, the good character might become bad and bad might becomes good. This is the literal character development, it is simply how your views towards the characters change as the story progresses.

Most people see character development in literal form, but I want to dig deeper. So now let us talk about inclusive character development. Unlike literal inclusive character development, it is not dependent on the viewer. If a villain has back story that explains why he becomes a villain in first place, then by the neutral point of view it cannot be called development because it has already happened.

Inclusive character development


inclusive character development takes the word ‘character development’ in the literal sense. It can be explained as follows.

“Character Development is the psychological and behavioral development of a character due to external stimulus in a period of time.” – Animeindianphilosopher.

This view makes it possible to study character development objectively. there are three parts to understand a character the level of thinking, the area of thinking and behavior. when you understand the character by three scales then you can detect the change in it. Let us address it one by one.

The level of thinking –

We all think about things and we all think differently. The level of thinking is the maturity of thinking about the single subject. To give you an example, when I was a kid I thought that India is the only country in the world where trees or any sort of greenery exists. I also thought that entire USA landmass is one big city. Of course, this isn’t true. There was a time when I though that without school I can’t achieve greatness and of course this isn’t true either. you can say that the level of thinking is the understanding of that character about that subject. As once buddha put it.

“The mind is everything. What you think you become” – Buddha

The area of thinking –

Area of thinking is as it implies, it is the amount of subject that a character can think. To give an example when we are kids, we think about playing, learning, nature, mother, and father. When we grow we start to think about love, future, we think about the nation, religion, money, politics. You got my point, the area of thinking is determined by how broad is our thinking, Well that doesn’t mean that we understanding those subject deeply that is where the level of thinking plays the role.

Behavioral Development –

Behavioral Development is the outcome of above two. We change due to external actions, our level of thinking rises or falls, our area of thinking increases or decreases and most of the time that leads to behavioral development either a good way or bad way.

That’s it, hope you got something out of it, please tell me your thoughts in comments below, like and follow if you like my content. Share if you want to spread knowledge thanks for reading.

“We are all subject to change. Even the tallest mountain will change over time, So why shouldn’t a fictional character? understanding this change is character development.” – Animeindianphilosopher.


I Hate Anime.

I hate anime from bottom of my heart. I hate anime because it is weird. I hate anime because it turns cute girls show to mind-twisting phycological thrillers and a harmless harem to murder story. I hate anime because it peeks into my privet life. How the hell every anime ever created knows about my dreadful of childhood. How is it possible that every anime knows what I need to come out of depression. Even things that my mother and father didn’t know about me anime knows about me. Sometimes things that even I don’t know about me anime knows about it. What are you doing anime, are you stalking my whole life without I even noticing. I hate anime. When I think that life has no meaning, and the world is a dark place, it shows me the beauty of life. And when I think the world is beautiful it then shows me its ugliness. Anime plz tell me, should I live or die, let me do one thing dammit. Anime makes me feel disconnected from the world, yet it makes me stronger to face real world threats. Anime make me doubt my existence. Anime makes my life sad yet happy, Anime makes my life painful yet beautiful. Anime is the cause that with my parents and I together can’t enjoy simple jokes and series on tv. Sometimes I set on my computer watching Anime laughing my ass off and the next movement I found myself crying until my eyes drop. I hate anime because it knows about me more than me, I hate anime because when I think I lost everything it stands beside me. I hate anime because it cares more about me than me. I hate anime because it hates more things about me than me. I hate anime because it loves me more that me. I hate anime because it makes me sad, I hate anime because it makes me happy. I think everyone who feels like me should file a case on anime, on the crime of stealing our heart.

It Was A Dark Day.

It was a dark day, It was the dark day.
I was sitting on the floor, mumbling madness, trembling in fear and sadness. I sang the poems of loneliness and horror, I was drunk with anger and fear.
And.. and…. I .. I, am I alone? No.. n Nooo. Noooooooooo……… ,
The greatest of great fear I have realize that day, the fear of loneliness and nothing else. I was sitting on the floor, A mudded and rusted floor.
Soon fear died into emptiness, anger died into sadness, life became lifeless. And when my eyes opened in a dark room next day, I had become something else. Not knowing of light, Not knowing of life, Not knowing of dark and not knowing of death. I was a doll of faith.

It was a dark day, It was the dark day.

This is what like to be a hikikomori.
